Manna 2021 0,75L
Rot-weiß gemischter Wein aus Deutschland.
Rebsorten: Blauer Portugieser, Scheurebe.
Alanna zu Manna: "MANNA comes actually from the Bible. Basically, when the Israelites are crossing the desert and have no food or water, God hands them down Manna, which keeps them going. So essentially Manna = life, love and energy!"
Genau so schmeckt das. Die rote Version von Marto Weiß.
Kategorie/Category |
Filterung/Filtration |
classy with a twist - funky - freaky | unfiltered, cloudy |
Aromatik/Aromatics |
Zucker/Dryness |
fruity - floral - spicy - earthy - mineral | dry - semi-sweet - sweet |
Körper/Body |
Säure/Acidity |
●○○ | ●●○ |
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